Product Description

Let’s get Mythic!

Although psionic characters and creatures can alter the very nature of reality, some have achieved a level of power that goes beyond even the extraordinary  and into the realm of mythic. With Psionics Augmented: Mythic Psionics, you will find character options to allow psionic characters to play in mythic games, using the same rules as their non-psionic counterparts. But mythic characters need mythic enemies, and you will also find a variety of mythic psionic monsters to challenge your players in new and unique ways!

Psionics Augmented: Mythic Psionics is over 70 pages of new content and contains:

  • A new mythic path, the overmind, aimed at manifesters
  • Psionic path abilities for the other mythic paths
  • Mythic versions of feats such as Deep Focus, allowing a character to always be treated as maintaining focus, or Psicrystal Affinity, where even your psicrystal is mythic
  • Three hundred mythic versions of psionic powers, taking powers to whole new levels like a Mythic Energy Ball that freezes creatures in place or sets them on fire
  • Nine mythic psionic monsters, including the classics like the gray glutton and phrenic scourge, but also newer monsters like the deranged trepanner and ghaar
  • And more!

Unlock the secrets of mythic psionics!