DRP_INTROADVENTURE_Front_Center_150We are pleased to announce that The Opened Mind, the introductory adventure stretch goal from our Ultimate Psionics Kickstarter, is now available for purchase!

This adventure is designed for four 1st level characters and is intended to introduce psionics to players who may not otherwise be familiar with the subsystem.

Set in the remote town of Jace’s Stanchion, the characters will need to explore the town to learn more about the unusual events that have been occurring within its borders and the forests outside.

Included are four sample characters to create a ready-to-use, all-psionic party using the races and classes found in Ultimate Psionics.

You can pick it up here, as well as from Paizo, DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, d20pfsrd (soon), and Amazon.

The print version is softcover and full color.